Our Doctors of Physical Therapy are experts in finding the root cause of pain and providing fast relief to get you back to doing the things you love.

Book a FREE consult to see if we are a good fit today. No referral needed.

Our 3 step process:

Calm The Storm
Together we eliminate
pain and illuminate your best life.

  • We’ll help to decrease symptoms almost immediately using a variety of different tools. This will be 100% hands on and may include dry needling, cupping, deep tissue work, and corrective exercise. We’ll watch what you are doing during your specific activity and help you fix it. Start with us before going to your doctor!

Fix The Root Cause
We’ll dig deep into the root cause of your pain to heal prevent injury.

  • We’ll dig deep to find the root cause of your aches, pains and performance deficits. The lack of thoracic mobility, poor posture, core strength, hip stability or lack of ankle movement may all be contributing factors. Let’s get after it and fix the whole body so we can operate efficiently as one unit!

The Long Game
Grow stronger and get better at doing what you LOVE for LIFE!

  • Let’s work together to keep you active and doing exactly what you love without all the injuries and nagging aches and pains. Let’s be proactive rather than reactive on injuries. We have many maintenance programs that will work for you. 

At your first visit, we’ll assess the WHOLE body with a movement screen and develop a clear plan to crush your goals. Our treatments are geared towards not only getting rid of your pain, but addressing the root cause via a WHOLE BODY approach so you continue to feel and perform at your best. The entire body is connected, and we treat it that way.

We are different from traditional physical therapists. We get to the root of anything holding you back from feeling and performing your best. Many of our clients have failed traditional physical therapy, chiropractic treatments and massage prior to finding us.

It’s time to get you feeling your best, so you can continue to do what you LOVE.

  • Dry Needling

    Dry Needling is used to treat tight, stubborn muscles. A very small filiform needle is inserted into the trigger point of a muscle to help elicit a twitch response. Its purpose is to inactivate trigger points, reduce pain and restore normal muscle function. Learn More

  • Myofascial Release & Cupping

    Similar to massage, we’ll use varying pressure on stubborn muscles and fascia to get to the bottom of your pain or dysfunction. Cupping will help lift the superficial layer & fascia to bring blood flow to the area and speed healing.

  • Joint Mobilization

    We work at the joint to improve mobility, decrease pain and improve blood flow. Improving joint mobility of restricted joints/capsules will improve movement quality and performance.

  • Corrective Exercise

    You’ll be given exercises individualized to your unique needs to help you function at your best. We always have our hands on you, making sure exercises are performed correctly and targeted at the area of instability or weakness.

  • Dancers/Performing Arts Injuries

    We specialize in dancers and the performing arts. We’ll watch you move and assess your injury or areas of concern. Then, we’ll help you improve mobility, stability and/or strength to get you exactly where you need to be to perform at your best. We understand the unique needs and flexibilty required of performers.

  • Gymnastics Injuries

    We specialize in gymnastics and work with multiple D1 athletes and level 10 gymnasts. We will calm the pain and address mobility or strength limitations in other areas that are contributing to pain or performance deficits.

  • Running

    Are you training for a long race and have aches and pains? Are you a high school or college runner having issues with shin splints or chronic tightness? Looking for some maintenance care? We love helping our runners perform at their best.

  • Female Athletes

    Female Athletes

    We understand the unique needs of female athletes and specialize in providing the highest level of care to prevent nagging injuries in our motivated movers of all ages. We love whipping out the barbell and getting you back to exactly what you LOVE, without pain.

  • Back pain

    What we treat

    Knee pain, foot pain, ankle pain, hip pain, back pain, pelvic pain, prolapse, neck pain, headaches, jaw pain (TMD), shoulder pain, muscle strains, ligament & tendon injuries, and post surgical rehabilitation. We mean it when we say we treat the WHOLE body.